The Voice is set to return for another season this week, and with it return some familiar faces. Kelly Clarkson is set to return after a break from the NBC show while Blake Shelton makes an appearance for his last season along with two new coaches.
Joining them as host is Carson Daly as he returns for another season. He has been hosting the singing competition since 2011. The American television host, radio personality, producer, and television personality has a net worth of $40 million.
Tune in on Monday, March 6, at 8 pm ET to watch the season premiere of The Voice season 23 on NBC.
Carson Daly’s career explored ahead of his appearance on The Voice season 23
The 49-year-old talk show host, video jockey, presenter, radio personality, television producer, and television personality was born in Santa Monica, California.
The Voice season 23 host enrolled at Loyala Marymount University but did not complete his education as he wanted to pursue a career as a pro golfer.
He started his career interning as a radio jockey as he interned for Jimmy Kimmel on a radio show in Palm Springs. However, soon he made the switch and was associated with MTV as a video jockey for Motel California.
The network was so impressed with Carson’s work that they made his position a permanent one, which meant he had to move to New York to host MTV Daily. As part of his job description, the season 23 host introduced popular music videos and interviewed celebrity guests. He was the host of MTV DRL from 1998 to 2003.
The television personality started hosting Last Call With Carson Daly for NBC in 2002 followed by becoming the host of NBC’s New Year’s Eve special. His talk show wrapped up in 2019 and was on the air for 18 seasons, with as many as 2,000 episodes.
He has been the host of The Voice since 2011 when the show first aired. Through the NBC singing competition, he earns $5 million every year. He also worked as the social media correspondent for the Today Show where he earns an additional $5 million per year, bringing his NBC total to $10 million.
NBC states about Carson:
"The Voice" and Daly have received 10 consecutive Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Reality-Competition Program and won in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017."It adds that the series was nominated for the Producers Guild Award for Outstanding Producer of Competition Television seven years in a row.
Before marrying Siri Pinter in 2015, Carson was associated with Tara Reid as the two had dated in 2000. While they were engaged, they decided to go their separate ways in 2001.
In 2013, The Voice host purchased a home in Long Island for $6.5 million. He owned a property in Santa Monica and still has two houses there. The value of his total real estate assets is estimated to be around $20 million.
The upcoming season of the NBC show will feature Kelly Clarkson, Blake Shelton, Chance the Rapper, and Niall Horan as coaches. After winning nine seasons, Shelton decided that season 23 would be his last season as a coach.
The season premiere of The Voice will air on Monday, March 6, 2023, at 8 pm ET on NBC.
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