Tim Singh Grover is a world renowned businessman, motivational speaker, personal trainer and owner of Attack Athletics. Grover is recognized as the coach of the world's most distinguished iconic athletes, including the late Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade and Michael Jordan. These three Grover-trained athletes are considered the top 3 shooters to compete in the NBA. In 2020, Grover appeared in ESPN's 10-episode biographical documentary about Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in their 1997-1998 championship season, titled "The Last Dance." In 1989, Grover saw an article about Michael Jordan and the Detroit Pistons. Jordan wasn't working with a trainer at the time, and Grover thought he could help. He contacted 14 of the 15 Chicago Bulls players, Jordan being the only one he did not contact. However, after no response, the Chicago Bulls coach contacted Grover and said one of the Bulls' players wanted to speak with him.
As the creator and CEO of ATTACK Athletics, he rose to prominence as a fitness instructor. He has personally taught Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, and as a result of his efforts, he wrote the best-selling book RELENTLESS: From Good to Great to Unstoppable, which was published in 2014.