7 biggest Minecraft myths of all time

Posted by Billy Koelling on Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Minecraft's long lifespan has spawned a myriad of myths and legends that have been perpetuated by its community.

At times, Mojang has even leaned into these myths to keep them going and has even released April Fool's Day patches to that effect.

Many myths in Minecraft have even taken a life of their own. This has led to players creating entire maps and other homages to these urban legends. There is no doubt that players will continue to tell new stories and myths as the game progresses.

Players can find an assortment of some of the most popular Minecraft myths down below.

Note: This article reflects the opinion of the writer

Wither Storm, Herobrine and 5 other popular myths in Minecraft

1) Broncos

Broncos are rumored to be aggressive versions of horses (Image via Mojang)

Though horses have been a part of Minecraft for years, some players have circulated rumors about a specific variant.

YouTube videos (allegedly unmodded) that include horse variants known as broncos have been circulating on the internet. These horse mobs are much more aggressive than their counterparts and will attack players who attempt to get too close to them.

Some internet sleuths have found a Minecraft mod known as "hostile horses," which seemingly discredits this theory. Despite the alleged debunking, however, the rumors persist, feeding the narrative further.

2) Null

Null attacking a villager (Image via Mojang)

A relatively new rumor in the Minecraft scene, Null is allegedly a mob that possesses a shadowy appearance and the ability to manipulate weapons.

The creature leaves signs in a world that reads, "null." This is, in fact, a tagging error found in Java Edition. The only confirmation of the mob's presence appears to be through word of mouth.

The mob's reported behavior has also been highly inconsistent. Some players remarked that it is highly aggressive, while others reported that it remains still and doesn't move or act at all.

3) The Wither Storm

The Wither Storm in Minecraft: Story Mode (Image via Mojang/Telltale Games)

Originally a creation in Minecraft: Story Mode by Telltale Games, the Wither Storm was a final boss in the narrative-based game. However, some players have reported (somewhat unsubstantiated in many cases) to have seen the Wither Storm in the traditional game.

Much of this can likely be attributed to mods or add-ons. However, it hasn't slowed speculation about the boss mob potentially being included in future official updates by Mojang. The developer hasn't indicated one way or the other, but there is still hope existing within the community.

4) The Killer Bunny

The Killer Bunny attacking a player (Image via NitroLukeDX Kids/YouTube)

While many Minecraft myths have no basis in fact or reality, the Killer Bunny is in fact a real mob. It can't be experienced during normal gameplay, but it can be summoned with commands.

The Killer Bunny originally spawned in certain Java Edition snapshots that are now outdated. However, when spawned into the game via commands, the mob will attack any and all entities it encounters, much like the "Johnny" pillager Easter Egg.

Fortunately, this particular mob is just as fragile as an ordinary rabbit mob, so defeating it in combat shouldn't be too difficult.

5) Entity 303

A player rendition of Entity 303 (Image via Ghepo MC/YouTube)

This is a popular rumor, particularly among the popular Hypixel server community. Entity 303 was allegedly a hacker renowned for breaking into player worlds and completely destroying them.

Entity 303 was held in an in-game prison on the Hypixel server for quite some time. However, many players have remarked that he may have escaped and continued his rampage.

He is allegedly often seen in the presence of other legends like Herobrine and Null, but most of what is known about Entity 303 is shrouded in hearsay.

6) Diamond Chickens

Diamond chickens possess a blue coloration (Image via Mojang)

Some players have reported appearances of blue-tinged chickens that lay diamonds instead of eggs. While this may seem like a false story to begin with, these mobs actually existed for a very short time.

In Java Edition version 2.0 for April Fool's Day, Mojang introduced the mob as a joke mob. Diamond chickens would operate largely like normal chickens but would drop diamonds and lapis lazuli instead of eggs.

This has allowed Minecraft players to recreate the mob by way of mods and add-ons to keep the creation alive in future updates of the game, making it much more than a rumor.

7) Herobrine

Herobrine has long been Minecraft's biggest urban legend (Image via Mojang)

Though it was not sanctioned by Mojang, Herobrine is a creation of the community's Creepypasta writers.

The mob is allegedly a near-spitting image of the default Steve skin, but with blank white eyes. His powers are varied depending on the story he appears in. He is capable of stalking players and creating massive amounts of destruction with little effort.

In an effort to keep the buzz around the creature alive, Mojang has occasionally snuck entries into patch notes, stating that they added or removed Herobrine from the game.

This has led to unending speculation as to the true origin of the character, even if it is fairly apparent that it originally sprung up from the community and not Mojang itself.

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